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As it turns out, Whuff was able to spend his first Halloween in Vermont and went trick-or-treating with Opa after all. Though honestly, if that’s what Opa wanted, all he had to was ask. He didn’t really need to knock out power in all of Western Massachusetts.

Given the rushed nature of our trip, I forgot my good camera and wasn’t able to fully document the dinosaur costume in all of its glory – but you can get an idea that it was pretty cute. We might have a second chance this weekend as Halloween around here was rescheduled… yes, that’s how bad this storm was. They RESCHEDULED Halloween. In New England. Where we are no strangers to shitty weather.

I had debated the ethics of trick or treating with a baby too small to be eating any of the candy and compromised on just hitting up a few neighbors who we knew would be happy to see a baby in a dinosaur suit. Honestly, I couldn’t have carried him around for more than five or six houses as dude’s getting to be a bit heavy. Though I’d best enjoy that now as next year, I probably won’t be able to keep up with him.